Dev Log - 3 - Early Campaign Development

While I am churning away on the final illustrations I also though I would spend some time on developing the first Campaign's early ideas. I have three early campaign ideas but one I have developed further and have the most interest in doing first. So I thought I would share an initial draft of the map I created a few years back for the Onyx Facility (this map is now outdated) and some early writing. 

The NAA’s top secret Onyx facility. A hub of morbid rumours of unethical experiments, dangerous research and sophisticated technology. The facility is vast, a maze of tunnels and labs manned by some of the top minds in the west and some its most depraved. Research in Onyx is almost entirely classified, but whispers of its work has reached outside its walls, from experimental Dimensional Portals to Berserker/human hybrid experimentation, little is concrete. What is known is that once a citizen is called to Onyx, they cannot deny it and are rarely seen again.

July 1st 2026, it is the first day for a new wave of Onyx recruits. A new batch of scientists, plucked from the NAA’s top universities, fresh National Intelligence Agency security personnel and a group of NAA Prisoners who in return are supposedly given a shortened sentence. The Onyx facility shuttle train is divided into different quadrants for each of these citizen types and are unable to interact for the time being. The train has been travelling for hours from the only Fortress City in the area - Las Vegas, and while it is almost impossible to ascertain where the train is heading thanks to the lack of windows, it seems to be to the South East into the Arizona desert.

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